Medical Qi Gong
Medical Qi Gong is one of the oldest branches of Chinese Medicine, predating Acupuncture by thousands of years. Medical Qi Gong is also known as “Chinese Energetic Medicine”.
The primary goal is to:
Purge toxic emotions from within the body’s tissues
Eliminate energetic stagnation
Enhance the immune system
Encourage the natural development of spiritual awakening
Qi Gong is a combination of two ideas.
“Qi” (pronounced chee) means air, a breath of life, or vital energy that flows through all things in the universe.
“Gong” (pronounced gung, as in lung) means the skill of working with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement.
Together, Qi Gong means the skill of cultivating vital energy or the ability to work with the electromagnetic energy of the body.
Qi Gong is a mind-body practice that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating postures, movement, breathing techniques, and focused intention.
As it strengthens and balances the internal organs and energetic fields. Medical Qi Gong restores the proper energy flow as it re-educates the body/ mind through- touch, movement, breath work, sound therapy, intention and visualization to access option health, power and longevity.
In treatment, I draw upon my ability to sense and manipulate energy developed through training, dedicated study, and self-cultivation. I use Qi emission that’s when the doctor has an abundance of Qi energy and is able to project that energy into a patient to change the flow of energy in them) and Medical Qi Gong exercises as well as meditations based upon a differential diagnosis rooted in Chinese medical theory to restore health and wellness.
Some of the conditions treated include:
Cancer (all types)
Cardiovascular disorders (chest pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc…)
Chronic and post-operative pain Gastrointestinal disorders (Irritable bowel, acid reflux, constipation)
Orthopedic disorders (sprains, strains, sports injuries, broken bones)
Emotional disorders (depression, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and all disturbances of the body, mind, and spirit)
Medical Qi Gong is based on the Chinese Medical principle that all disease is based on energetic patterns. Therefore, it can be used to assist in treating any disease process by adjusting, balancing, and restoring proper energetic functioning to the body. The treatment disrupts the blueprint of the disease so it no longer replicates in the physical body. I have treated hundreds of patients with very good results The patients are now back to their normal life with no adverse side effects.
When Life Force energy is properly cultivated in the body we are able to remain in good health- Physically, Mentally and Emotionally as well as Spiritually.
We all have the ability to heal and to develop to our full potential, with proper education, coaching and practice there is nothing that we can not accomplish.